NAME: Miguel Acebes Tosti

BUSINESS: Tularù – energie-cibi-culture

ADDRESS: Ponzano di Cittaducale (Rieti)

EMAIL: info@tularu.it

WEBSITE: www.tularu.it

“ON CAMPUS” COURSE: ReStartApp 2014

Our objective is to create an economy that will benefit the local areas. The path we embarked upon thanks to Fondazione Garrone helped us identify a product that we thought would create a bond between farmers. That’s how the wheat supply chain was born

Miguel Acebes Tosti

«Tularùùùùùùùù! Tularùùùùùùùù». Miguel Acebes remembers his grandmother’s voice. During the summers of his childhood this is how she called the entire community working in the fields to come for lunch, served outdoors.
Miguel Acebes grew up in Spain, but every year he spent the three summer months in the large house in Ponzano di Cittaducale (Rieti), which today hosts “Tularù”, the farm he established with Alessandra, his life partner. Tularù rises on a highland, about 850 metres above sea level, between the valleys of the Salto and Velino rivers. Miguel’s family owned about 60 hectares of land, including woods, pastures, and cultivated plots.

“During the hay making and harvesting season, the families helped each other. Those small communities, who produced for self-consumption, taught me the importance of mutual exchange – explains Miguel – This system was lost when, from being a social activity, the production process started revolving around profit. I think it is no coincidence that, following the debasement of the production process, people started to leave villages like ours: social cohesion had withered, together with a close-knit network of relationships that allowed people to support each other through difficult times”.

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