Mirko Cipollone is very aware that his project could potentially extend to the entire Apennines. He started from Abruzzo “because I know the area and this is vital for the kind of activities I organise”, but, he continues, “I am also starting to do some collaborations”. One is with Acatù, the mountain hut opened in Monzuno (Bolzano) by Lilith Meier, a fellow student at ReStartApp2020. In early September 2022, Mirko went up to the Bologna Apennines for a conference and a walk. “Another important partnership is the one with the Surf 4 All project, launched to set up the first surfing school in Italy open to people with disabilities thanks to the use of a modified board, a sort of joelette of the seas. I recognise the importance of claiming the right to be active in nature, which is not something to take for granted”, he says.

“I would like the regional authorities responsible for planning and promoting tourism to become aware of our work: in one year, I have already organised 15 tours to villages in the province of L’Aquila, taking people to their historical centres – an unprecedented opportunity, even for the able-bodied. I am promoting this area and I am doing so in an inclusive way”, he says. This is why he will protect his idea, even in the face of indifference: the people of Abruzzo, he concludes, “can be really stubborn”.

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