NAME: Giose Ciccarelli
ADDRESS: via Saragat 24 – 67051 – Avezzano (AQ)
“ON CAMPUS” COURSE: ReStartApp 2015
Pubblication date: 22 novembre 2023

Flying a paraglider is like sailing offshore. The sail is our boat and the air currents are the waves we surf in the wind”.

Giose Ciccarelli is walking along the cobblestones of the Via Tiburtina Valeria, which runs through the Roman colony of Alba Fucens, in the Abruzzo region. We are at an altitude of one thousand metres above sea level, below Mount Velino – the third highest peak in the Apennines after Gran Sasso and Majella.
Giose speaks in a calm voice and goes back over thirty years to trace back his passions: the one for cultural heritage – which he developed as he grew up surrounded by these precious historical sites – and that for flying. After high school, he would have liked to become a fighter pilot, attending the military academy in Modena, but “They rejected my application – he says – I took a different path, but my passion for flying has remained unchanged. It’s like water – if you try to stop it in one place, it will flow out somewhere else. Today, I am happy”.

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