Le Cornelle 2

LE CORNELLE “Sheep rearing has been part of the Gabrini family’s history for at least five or six generations – says Giuliano – My grandfather was a transhumant shepherd. He spent the summer in the higher Emilian Apennines and the winter in the lower Mantua area. My...
Le Cornelle

Le Cornelle

LE CORNELLE NAME: Giuliano Gabrini BUSINESS: Le Cornelle ADDRESS: Via Laneto 16, Carù di Villa Minozzo (Reggio Emilia) EMAIL: giuliano.gabrini@gmail.com WEBSITE: facebook.com/aziendaagricolalecornelle “ON CAMPUS” COURSE: ReStartApp 2015 Go to the video and...

EthiQ 6

ETHIQ 4 Go to the photo gallery 8 Go back to page 1 of...

EthiQ 4

ETHIQ In spring 2020, the Covid emergency forced Alessandro and Rita to close their shop for two months. Thanks to the advice provided by Fondazione Edoardo Garrone, ethiQ was able to design an online service for their products, providing nationwide shipping. “Through...