Liberi e selvaggi 4

LIBERI E SELVAGGI The b&b is doing really well. Thanks to a twinning with the nearby Trattoria del Cervo, customers can also enjoy a quality meal at a special price. “What is missing today is a gym, which would allow us to be independent in winter and to host all...

Liberi e selvaggi 3

LIBERI E SELVAGGI In the summer of 2022, seven years after attending the ‘on-campus’ course, Magia and Sid can gallop free, enjoying a whole hectare of land each, where, from April to October, they can also feed freely and naturally. Liberi e Selvaggi is a member of...

Liberi e selvaggi 2

LIBERI E SELVAGGI So, after graduating from the Art Institute, Martina chose not to attend university, but, rather, to devote herself to her great passion. Her goal was to enjoy “this wonder and at the same time introduce people, particularly children, to the world of...
Liberi e selvaggi

Liberi e selvaggi

LIBERI E SELVAGGI NAME: Martina RomualdiBUSINESS: Liberi e SelvaggiADDRESS: Via Padre Pietro Leoni 24, Forlì-CesenaWEBSITE: liberieselvaggi.comCAMPUS: ReStartAppPublication date: 8 giugno 2023 Go to photo gallery In the project selected by Fondazione Edoardo Garrone,...